Avoid Chasing Numbers
Is the minimalist approach the right way to go today in terms of testing for a reef? Not necessarily, but is the other extreme a better way to go?
Is the minimalist approach the right way to go today in terms of testing for a reef? Not necessarily, but is the other extreme a better way to go?
The most common types of Squamosa are brown and beige in color with gold and white markings. The rare ones sport purple and blue coloration.
Your tank is on cruise control and all SPS corals are in a happy zone. Then one day the lights come on and your eyes zero in on a dead coral.
Is good polyp extension necessary for success with SPS? Not necessarily. But if you like fuzzy sticks, then here are some tips to maximize the fluff.
A few months ago my tank was spiraling downhill pretty quickly, as I was mysteriously losing a large number of corals. Time to do an ICP test.
According to Murphy’s law “whatever can go wrong, will go wrong”. Unfortunately, there are a number of things that can go wrong while keeping a reef.
There are only a few things about the reef keeping hobby I dread and one of them is moving a tank. Oh boy…..what a pain!
There are many online coral and fish stores but they cannot match the level of service at an LFS. One LFS to check out in Vermont is Green Mountain Corals.
There are certain things a reef keeper can focus on to maintain a successful reef tank. But there are also things marine aquarium hobbyists should avoid.
With nearly 30 years in the hobby I have learned a lot from both my successes and failures. Here are My Top 10 Tips For Keeping a Successful SPS reef tank.
Before introducing a lot corals to a reef tank it is a good idea to run the equipment for a few months to get a feel for the new system.